For Fugitives Are We

“Zeus, the Suppliant God, be gracious to us, pitifully behold us, for fugitives are we.”
~ Chorus in The Suppliant Maidens by Aeschylus, Greek Tragedian.

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There are laws which are purely the invention of mankind and then there is Natural Law. When it comes to the Natural Law of humanity it is easy to degrade our state to something less than it really is and yet see nothing wrong with it, deeming it ‘natural’. Humanity is in a unique position in which we are in the middle of things, in the sense that we inhabit a situation that is ‘above’ other animals but ‘below’ the Heavens. This does not imply abuse of power of the creatures of this world but merely that the human state is a condition in which we have certain strengths not found in other animals, particularly ‘Reason’, and the capacity for Higher Knowledge. It’s difficult, if not impossible, for beings below human to look up from the earthly position, yet it is the duty of Mankind to be a bridge-point between Heaven and Earth, to not only sanctify things of this world and our actions, but also to bring forth and manifest the Divine in creation.

Yet what many of us do is effectively war against Natural Law in the name of what’s ‘natural’, and to do so indeed is to be a Fugitive, because we abandon our posts, run away from our responsibilities, and hide in this earth with our heads in the sand. We make of ourselves slaves of the passions such as fear, lust and to other vices. Worst yet is we forget who we really are, where we come from, our duty, and where we are to go. All of us in this world are Fugitives, some to a greater extent, some less.

To be a slave to our own Ego and Illusory Self is to be a Fugitive in a universe governed by a benevolence greater than ourselves. And in this free-willed ignorance on our part, it is what brings us pain in its various forms. However, it is Wisdom that truly frees us, for all people will pursue that which they understand and see to be a Good, but it is our ignorance and our Ego that leads us astray from the Natural Way, we mistakenly believe all else is a Good when it is only a mirage.

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Natural Law dictates for humanity a higher place, higher capacity, and responsibility beyond simply a life of just surviving, mating, eating, possessing, sleeping, etc. These are all things that animals live for and stop at, yet many of us do exactly the same and no more, or worse in abusing our place through excesses, cruelty, and much else. Many of us, even those who think they’re ‘above the rabble’, make an idolatry out of such things as life of mere survival, breeding and might-makes-right.

When we succumb to the ‘lower’ world that is beneath our station, we become even less than beasts, for our position calls for responsibilities greater than this. In fact in a further abuse of our power and ability we conceive and preform greater evils than any creature could ever do, for many of us the only thing holding us back from these atrocities is simple punishment from laws man-made. Beyond even just forgetting who and what we really are and where we come from, we do not even play the part that we find ourselves in, we forget our role as mediator in the world – a bridge point between Heaven and Earth.

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“Know thyself, and thou shalt know the Universe and God”
~ Pythagoras.

Gnōthi Seauton — Know Thyself”
~ Delphic Maxim.

Wanderer by Miłek Jakubiec

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